Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Accelerated Dance Lessons

Now that my arm is in good shape again, I decided I'd go back to taking Balboa lessons. They teach them in six week classes, so I figured I'd just go back and repeat the whole six weeks for practice and to pick up the two weeks I missed when I broke my arm. I was in for a bit of a surprise when I got there, however. It turns out that all of the other swing classes repeat every six weeks, but not Balboa. Those classes build, so that instead of stepping back in for week one, I was stepping into week thirteen after missing weeks five through twelve. When I first started, I just happened to hit week one by luck.

The first thing they taught was a combination of two other steps that I didn't know. Needless to say, it was a challenge and I felt lost the whole time. Fortunately, the male instructor was kind enough to give me some extra attention and try to catch me up on everything that I missed. He seems to want to get me back up to speed, and has offered to give some extra help both during class and at the dances every other Friday night. It was good to get that encouragement. Without that, I think I would have counted out these classes until they actually reset again.

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