Saturday, November 18, 2006

Of Soups and Cars

On Thursday my home group had a potluck dinner before our study. Everyone was supposed to bring either a soup or a salad. I chose to bring a soup. I came home from work a bit early and made a pot of soup. I then realized that I had a very hot pot full of soup that I really didn't want to spill inside of my car. I placed it at the foot of the passenger seat of my car, then proceeded to drive as gently as possible to home group. At the first light, I wanted to turn right. There were several opportunities when I could have made it, but I didn't want to accelerate as fast as it would take, so I continued to wait.

I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be ironic if of all the times I'm out driving, I had a collision while I'm specifically trying to avoid any extra bumps?" Then it happened, someone rear ended me as I sat at the stoplight. Fortunately it wasn't hard at all, but it was enough to make me worry about the soup... and then the back of my car. I put on my hazards, then got out and talked to the man. I got his contact information, and took a look at my bumper. It was hard to see in the dark, but I could tell there were at least some minor scratches. There clearly wasn't any massive damage to the rear of the car, so I went on to home group.

Once I got to home group, I was able to take a better look at it. I drive a Saturn, so some of you may wonder how Saturn's dent-resistant paneling held up. Now that I have had some experience I can say with a degree of certainty that it does not dent. No, the paneling breaks. I am now the "proud" owner of a few holes in my bumper.

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