Friday, December 16, 2005

My Apartment

A month or two ago Philip and I received a letter from our landlord informing us that ownership of the building was changing hands and that we would have a new landlord. Our original lease would still be valid under the new management. At the end of last month, everyone upstairs moved out. Last week a giant dumpster was moved into the parking lot. I didn't hear a lot of details, but my best guess is that all of this was a plan to do some remodeling and/or non-trivial maintenance on the upstairs units. Yesterday we received a letter letting us know that they want us out too. We have until the end of January to be out.

This is frustrating to me. A lot of it is just the work and hassle involved in finding a new place quickly, moving, and then informing a multitude of companies, organizations, and people that my address has changed. On top of that, I just like our place and I'm not sure if another place will really match a lot of the things I like about this place.

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