Monday, May 01, 2006

Music for a Cause

Over the past couple of months, I've gotten two new CD's, both at Church. For each of them, the production costs were paid for in full, so that all of the suggested donations could go to Missions work. As an added bonus, both of them are excellent CDs.

The first was worship music performed by natives of Philippi, South Africa. As you will most likely agree, if you have heard any, African worship music is a joy to listen to. All of the proceeds from that went to support Bridges of Hope.

The second was made available just yesterday, and is a compilation of musicians at our Church, with two-thirds of the songs being originals by members of our Church. What surprised me was that very few of the original songs seemed like originals to me, because they are songs that we sing regularly on Sundays. I loved discovering that a good share of our worship music is straight from the hearts of our people within our Church family. The proceeds from this one are going to International Justice Mission.

I don't consider this to be anything revolutionary, nor do I consider myself a saint for buying them. Still, I really like the idea, and wish that the sales of all worship music was handled in such a way.

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