Sunday, November 27, 2005


I spent a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with an aunt, uncle, and two cousins in the Sacramento area. I don't get to see them often enough, and it is always great when it works out. We ate too much food, played a few games, watched an old movie, but mostly just enjoyed being with each other. I think that the time really helped to put me in a good mood for the start of the season.

As of today we have entered Advent, the four weeks leading up to the birth of Christ. Since Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, it means that Advent will last for a full four weeks. In spite of some of my frustrations with this time of year, there is still a a lot about this time of year to love.

Recently I've been thinking a lot about how much I enjoy the Christmas music. I can't explain exactly why I love it so much, but I do know a few reasons. Partly, it is special to this time of year. I only get a month of it each year, and I'm always sad to retire it when the season is over.

Another reason I love Christmas music has to do with the way my family celebrates Advent each year. Every night during Advent my family has a time of "Advent Candles." We all sit around a table with four candles in the middle. Each week of Advent we light one more candle until all four are lit during the final week of Advent. During this time my family sings Christmas hymns together. That was such a huge part of Christmas for me growing up, and I miss the fact that ever since I started college, I've only gotten a few days of it each year. Still it has left me with a love of the music of the season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you may have guessed, we did have Advent Candles for the first time last night. John Giddens and the Jerde family joined us. We missed having you and Nathan with us.