Friday, March 10, 2006

Am I Small?

I'm headed up to the mountains this weekend for a "ski" trip with my Church. Granted, I won't be skiing, snowboarding or anything like that. I'm at the point with my arm where it mostly feels fine, but where re-injury is still a major concern. I was already signed up before my accident happened, and decided I'd still go just to enjoy the fellowship and a weekend away.

It's supposed to be very cold up there. Forecasts show highs a bit below freezing. With that in mind, I decided to pick up some long underwear. I went to K-Mart, and found where they had it. Everything they had was bottoms only long underwear, but I figured that's where it's harder to layer up anyway. The thing that got me was the sizes they stocked - nothing smaller than a large, which had a wait measurement a few sizes larger than I would have liked. I got it anyway, and with a safety pin it fits pretty well. Still, it got me wondering. Aren't there other people my size or smaller that want men's long underwear? I think of myself as being about average size for an American male - and there are certainly men smaller than I am. Thus it seems strange that K-Mart wouldn't stock a better range of sizes. Oh well, at least these ones will work for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about men's clothing. Women's clothing sizes are all over the map. I wear small shirts and large jeans. For evening gowns, I can wear a size 6, but my wedding dress was a size 10. I think women's sizes are shifting too. Like an article of clothing that would have been called a medium 5 years ago is now called a small. Not really sure about that though.