Wednesday, October 20, 2004

ASCII Art Can Be Functional!

The following comment will be helpful to anyone trying to understand the code I just wrote:

// |
// +
// |\
// | \
// | \
// + \---------\
// | \
// | \
// | \
// +--------+--------+---

The actual graph has labels and stuff on it that I removed. It took me way too long to get this to format remotely correctly. It still didn't take as long as it's taking my code to compile...


Chequelin said...

Hey brother. Just stoping by to say hello. I look forward to keeping up wtih your journal. Awsome to here you are part of that community. They are good people.

Chequelin said...

Hey brother. Just stoping by to say hello. I look forward to keeping up wtih your journal. Awsome to here you are part of that community. They are good people.