Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Home Group #6

No, there aren't five other posts about my Home Group. This is the first post, but it is about my sixth Home Group session.

Last night we studied Matthew 26:30-46. It was a really great time with a good discussion and a lot of great sharing. It really impacted me to realize that Jesus knew his disciples would fall away, yet he still placed trust in them when he brought them to the garden to keep watch. I've had difficulty in the past understanding what Paul meant when he says that love always trusts (1 Corinthians 13). I always had this counter example of the parent that suspects their kid is using drugs. Trusting their kid when they say, "I'm not" just doesn't seem like the loving thing for a parent to do. Here's what I realized about Jesus' model of trust versus my example. It comes down to a question of who it hurts if the trust is misplaced. Jesus takes the hit when his disciples don't stay awake, and as they fall away. For the parent, it is their kid that will be hurt by misplaced trust. Jesus calls us to trust others over looking out for ourselves. That is the love that Jesus models.

Our study ended at about 9:30, and then I got talking with the other people. This happens every week, and usually I leave between 10:00 and 10:30. This time, I really lost track of time and was there until almost midnight. It was certainly time well spent, but I really shouldn't do that to myself on a regular basis. Speaking of which... Good night!

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