Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Blessing Upon Blessing

Last Sunday night I had dinner with a bunch of people from Church. Out of a dozen or so people, there were two people I had talked to before, and only once each. Basically it was a bunch of people I didn't know.

I was so blessed by many of the conversations I had. I got talking to a guy (college age) who has a dream of making as much money as possible, living on a modest amount, and using the rest in creative ways to build the kingdom. I suggested that he read Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger. I guess I've only read a couple chapters of it, but those two chapters were certainly good... and I will read it. It's on my required reading list while I'm in Calcutta.

I got talking to a girl (college student and recent Christian) about my experiences at Harambee this summer. It was really great to talk in depth about that again. I was actually getting choked up telling her about some of it. That hasn't happened to in months! It was great to feel that passion in myself again.

On top of all of that, there was a guy (a bit older than me, but still pretty young) that overheard me talking about going to Calcutta with someone else. He started listening in, and about the first thing he said was, "Can I help support you financially?" Wow, God is providing for me out of nowhere!

There were plenty of other good conversations too, as well as some tasty food. It was a wonderful night.

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