Thursday, October 28, 2004

Kid's Club II

I went to kids club again today. For whatever reason I was exceptionally happy to be there. I could feel my face stuck in a giant (probably dorky looking) smile the whole time. It was great!

Today the game was musical pieces of paper. It's a lot like musical chairs, except they had to dance around while the music was going, and then touch a piece of paper taped to the ground with their foot when the music stopped. They did allow multiple kids to share the same paper. The real problem was that there was nothing causing a direction of motion. This became particularly obvious once there was only one sheet of paper left and everyone was trying to dance on top of it. In the end I think about a dozen kids were declared winners.

After the game we went inside and enjoyed some songs with motions and a kid friendly talk. I thought the place was crowded last week, but there were even more kids there this week. Somehow everyone managed to squeeze together on the floor. The speaker of the week talked about Jesus choosing disciples. She put two scenarios out there. In the first, Jesus chose really exceptional disciples. One was strong, another popular, a third was smart, etc. In the second scenario, Jesus chooses some smelly fisherman, a guy that just sits under trees reading, a tax collector that everyone hates, etc. About that time I went to go help get the pizza dinner ready. Thus I didn't get to hear the rest of the talk, and was left wondering which group of disciples Jesus would want. Maybe I can find a book with the answer in it.

Afterwards I talked with Nancy (one of the leaders) about my future involvement. I'm planning to keep helping out while I'm in Santa Barbara, but she doesn't want to put me in certain roles because the kids will get attached quickly and it will be hard for them when I leave so soon. I certainly saw that this summer at Harambee. It looks like I may get involved planning a big Christmas thing they do every year for that neighborhood. I'm already looking forward to going to Kid's Club again next week.

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