Friday, August 12, 2005

First to Work

I just got into work about 10 minutes ago, and I was the first one here. More precisely, I was the first one to arrive at this building, which is our secondary building. Still, it was a new experience for me to turn of the alarm system when I came in the door.


Anonymous said...

You were the first one to work at 8:20 am!? That is about the time the main parking lot fills up at JPL.

Philip said...

Like I said, I'm in the secondary building. Of about 80 employees at Toyon, only 15 are in this building. Still, I've gotten here earlier and not been the first in the door. Maybe it is just a Friday thing. Oh, and one of the guys that is often here pretty early is gone on business today. There may be others gone on business or vacation too.