Thursday, January 05, 2006

Housing Update

As I mentioned here, Philip and I have to find a new place to live. I just wanted to give you a brief update of where we're at. Right now it could be just the two of us again, but there are likely to be three, or even four of us. There are two other men from my Church that are considering moving in with us. We looked at a few places yesterday. We saw a two bedroom apartment that I didn't care for, and then a three bedroom apartment that seemed reasonable to me, and the others seemed to like it fairly well. Hopefully I will get around to posting more as things progress.


Philip said...

We found one place that would rent a spacious 3 bedroom apartment to 4 of us, but I'm not crazy about the place. Most places told us right up front that they would not do it. I'm not really sure why not. One lady that Philip talked to gave him some response like she just couldn't imagine it ever working out - something like, "Oh no, you wouldn't want to do that." Some of the real estate agents that rent a lot of the houses in Santa Barbara just have a 1 person / bedroom policy unless it is a family.

jonathan said...

That's really odd - we've never had any problem with 2 people getting a 1 bedroom, or with 2,3, or 4 people getting a 2-bedroom (in Claremont, Pomona, and Inglewood).