Friday, December 24, 2004

Blessed in my Travels

On Wednesday I flew from Santa Barbara to Portland with a transfer at LAX. I didn't realize how tiny the Santa Barbara airport was, and arrived way too early. It actually turned out to be a good thing. I used it as an opportunity to call some people and talk. I did the same thing again during my layover at LAX. I talked to Ethan (college friend and roommate), Ron (friend from my home group at Church), Rachel (team member for Kolkata trip), and Brian (another friend from college).

On my flight from LAX to Portland I was blessed by the couple I got to sit next to. They were on their way back to Portland after a two-week trip in China where they had just adopted a one-year-old daughter from an orphanage. It was great to hear about their trip, particularly their experience at the orphanage. They also told me about why they chose to adopt. It was so encouraging to see a couple with such obvious love for world beyond their immediate surroundings.

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