Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Child Care

All of the Home Groups at my Church take turns helping out with child care during the services. My home group got / gets our turn last Sunday / this upcoming Sunday. Last Sunday I was in the nursery during the second service. There were about the same number of adults as kids, so it freed us up to focus on a specific kid or kids. If not for our numbers, we probably wouldn't have stood a chance against them.

I really enjoyed spending time with the kids. Some of them were crying, some wanted the toy that another kid had, and some just enjoyed whatever was in front of them. I spent a lot of the time with Diego, the two-year-old son of a couple in my home group. I absolutely love him! We built a tower out of blocks (which he promptly knocked over). I pushed him around on a toy car that wasn't actually meant for movement. Later he ended up sitting down in a flying chair. We even "took turns" giving each other rides on our backs.

Eventually I settled into watching a video with a few of the kids. I chose a show that I remembered watching back when I was a kid, McGee and Me. Unfortunately, what I didn't remember was that this show is aimed at a mature audience, ages 5-12. There was one part in the beginning that was a bit too scary for the kids watching. About that time a parent walked in and suggested that I put something else in. By the time the new video was going, the kids had lost interest and went to another room in the nursery.

I can hardly wait to help out again this Sunday!

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