Friday, December 17, 2004

Kid's Club X

Quick Note: The X either means that this was the tenth week of my going to Kid's club, or I lost count and decided to use a variable instead. If anyone decides to do the math and figures it out, I'd love to hear which one it is.

Yesterday was our last meeting of Kid's Club prior to our Posada celebration. Therefore the bulk of our time was spent preparing for that. I was helping with the kid's who were going to play the animals in the pageant. I'm not sure they were any worse than any other group, but it certainly wasn't easy to keep their focus on the pageant.

At the end we fed them pizza as always. Trisha, one of the women who helps with Kid's Club, was telling a story from that session. One of the kids had told her she should marry Jason, a man that helps out with Kid's Club. Fortunately Trisha had the excuse that Jason was already married to Nancy, one of the primary Kid's Club leaders.

Five minutes later one of the girls walked up to me and asked me if I was married. I told her I wasn't. She smiled and told me I should marry Trisha. She then went back to Trisha and informed her that she (Trisha) was mistaken and that I was not married. I convinced the girl that I couldn't marry Trisha because I am going to India so soon and Trisha has to stay here and finish school. Now the girl wants us to get married as soon as I get back from India. Hopefully she will have forgotten about that by June.

After all of the kids were gone, a bunch of us went and picked up stuff from the Church to use for the Posada. We loaded a dozen tables into my truck (It was so nice to use the truck for stuff that actually required a truck). When we got to our destination and started unloading them, I noticed some damage on a few of the tables. In retrospect, we probably didn't think things through while loading. Usually I would expect myself to kind of freak out and worry about the way we should have loaded them. Instead I had an amazing sense of calm. I realized that they were just tables, and the damage wasn't even that bad. It really wasn't anything worth worrying about.

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