Saturday, October 01, 2005

Ye Olde Vegdahl Family Recipe

I was in charge of bringing after-study dessert. After giving it some thought, I was inspired to use a recipe my Dad sent me back in college when my suite was in charge of snacks for the InterVarsity meeting. We never ended up using it then, so I dug through my old emails and used it now.

It was a recipe for cinnamon rolls, and based on the instructions my Dad gave me, I can tell that they go back at least to his Mother. They took quite a while to prepare, and I did have to make one substitution when I realized I hadn't read the ingredients closely enough when I went shopping, but I think they came out pretty well. As the old saying goes: "Just like... Father... used to make."

Thanks for sending me that recipe two years ago Dad!


Greg said...

Is that when we ended up making that huge rice crispy treat instead?

Philip said...

Yep, that is the time I was talking about.