Thursday, November 17, 2005

Holiday Rant - Right on Time

Last year I had this mini-rant a week before Thanksgiving. Once again I am going to take this day, the Thursday prior to Thanksgiving, to talk about a frustration of mine regarding the holiday season in America.

It doesn't surprise me that once again I am seeing the Christmas season start before Thanksgiving is over, and I still don't like it. I have, however, come to realize that this is part of secular America I'm just going to have to live with. Yesterday while I was driving home, I heard something on the radio that made it worse. I was listening to K-LOVE, a national Christian music station. They starting talking about Christmas. I immediately thought, "great, even the Christian media can't be patient." They said something like "Christmas is about..." followed by some list. I don't really remember what all went in there, except the last one, "...and shopping." At first I figured that they were going to make some sarcastic point, but no, it was all about K-LOVE's Biggest Christmas Ever! In particular, a contest that will send the winners to the Mall of America for a $1000 shopping spree.

It is incredibly upsetting to me that a radio station claims to be about Jesus, but is seeking to build up holiday shopping excitement rather than excitement about celebrating the gift of Jesus' birth.


Philip said...

Thanks for the encouragement to do that. I was already thinking about it, but hadn't taken the time to do so. I will probably do so this weekend.

Anonymous said...

the Christian station up here is doing a thing to give people airline tickets to visit family for Christmas. That seems closer to what we ought to be focused on at Christmas.
I got fed up with the Christian radio station I listened to in LA. They made a big deal about how even their advertising was kid-safe and all that. But it didn't feel safe to me -- it seemed like half the ads were for luxury vehicles or various expensive cosmetic treatments. True, they aren't evil things, but I think a wine advertisement is more harmless. So I was fed up, but never did anything about it. I wish I had. You should write that letter.