Thursday, November 18, 2004

I Remember When...

...the Christmas season didn't start until after Thanksgiving.

Today I met someone from Kid's Club over "coffee" (neither of us actually got coffee, but we did meet at Starbucks) to work on organizing the Posadas. Starbucks was already using their Christmas themed merchandise: Christmas cups, cookies, and compact disks.

What does the rush towards Christmas say about Americans? Thanksgiving is about thankfulness for what you have. The secularized, American Christmas is about getting what you want. Americans already spend the whole year wanting stuff, yet we spend very little of the year actually being thankful for what we have. Why can't we slow down and enjoy Thanksgiving before launching into Christmas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Christmas in the stores already because stores are all about selling things, and you can't sell thankfulness. So we need to refuse to live on their schedule. Advent after Thanksgiving. Enjoy anticipating Christ's coming. Christmas after Advent. Celebrate God's gift of his son. And don't stop celebrating on Dec. 26. Keep it going for a while. Once the gifts are bought and given, the stores lose interest (except for the after Christmas sales). But we should continue to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!! We shouldn't let the market dictate our lives and our values.