Thursday, November 11, 2004

Kid's Club IV: Preparation

Kid's club has shifted from their standard program to preparing for a Posadas celebration. I gather that this is a Mexican Christmas tradition (Help me out here Sergio). Anyway, it's a pretty big deal. We're getting the street blocked off. There's going to be a pageant, and then we'll go door to door as a group asking each house if they have room for us. Each house will say no, until we get to the last house, and then they'll let us in and they'll be a big dinner. I'm pretty excited about it. From now on, we'll be preparing for the pageant instead of having teaching times each week. If anyone happens to be in Santa Barbara on December 17th, I'm sure you'd be welcome to come partake in the celebration.

Afterwards, I offered to take a few kids home and was informed that I wasn't actually supposed to do that until I'd filled out some liability paperwork... whoops (See Kid's Club III if you missed it). I gather that some of the leaders there care a lot more about that legal stuff than others.

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