Thursday, November 04, 2004

Kid's Club III

I got to Kid's Club a bit late today. They were just finishing up their game, and about to start singing when I arrived. The first song was "A la la la, la la la le lujah." The kids started liking it progressively more with each verse:

1. Shake a friend's hand.
2. Scratch a friend's back.
3. Give a high five.
4. Pinch a friend's cheek.
5. Give a small poke.
6. Mess up a friend's hair.

I may have the verses in the wrong order, but that was the basic idea. The kids really loved it, even the older ones that usually don't like "little kid songs."

Instead of a talk this week, they played a quiz game. They were in two teams, each with a designated "leader" (adult). The leader's job was really to be a score keeper, in the form of "chubby bunny." One team was considerably better than the other, and won 4 - 8.

The real eye opener this week was that I got to take two boys home afterwards. It answered my question about how poor people manage to live in Santa Barbara. The first kid lived in what looked to be a very small, over crowded apartment building. The second one lived in a run down trailer park. I'd never been in a trailer park before, and although I never even got out of my truck, there was a clear separation from the rest of Santa Barbara - rich, affluent Santa Barbara. I am once again stunned at how blind I can be to poverty in America, while living so close to it.

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