Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Birthday Dance

I enjoyed my first ever birthday dance tonight (If you don't know what that is, see the note at the bottom). It was a lot of fun! The place Ian and I went to is on the small side, so there wasn't the huge crowd of a place like Lindy Groove or Memories. I guess the confident (in terms of dancing) women must have rotated through pretty quickly, because I ended up dancing with one woman for quite a while. Eventually one of the other women grabbed me a second time. For my final words on the subject of birthday dances: anyone out there that knows Lindy, and has a birthday coming up (like say... Greg) needs to get out to a Lindy club and enjoy their own birthday dance.

To everyone that dropped me a line on my birthday (or bought me dinner), I really appreciated it. You made me feel special. If you didn't, don't worry about it. It didn't ruin my day (and you're always welcome to buy me dinner some other time). Twenty-three was much better than twenty-two. For those of you that aren't aware of how my birthday went last year, take my word for it that it wasn't the kind that you want to have.

The Note at the Bottom: For a birthday dance, everyone gets in a circle around the birthday boy / girl. They (the birthday boy / girl) start out with one partner, and then new partners cut in over the course of the song. It's the way swing dancers celebrate birthdays.


Chequelin said...

Happy Birthday friend.

Chequelin said...

Happy Birthday friend.