Saturday, January 08, 2005

I Can't Believe I Finished the Whole Thing

This morning Rose and I ran in a half-marathon. She had invited me to do it about three months ago. At the time that seemed like plenty of time to prepare. I'm sure it would have been if I had actually gone running on a semi-regular basis leading up to the event. Thanks to Rose's encouragement I did finish, although our time was quite a bit out of the impressive range. I am left with a bit of motivation to someday run one again after actually training for it. We'll see if that ever happens...

1 comment:

Greg said...

Okay...that is a lot more believable. Congrats on finishing the race!

On Thursday night, I went to Lindygroove with Heather and Beth. They mentioned that you were coming down for the weekend to run a marathon. I would have thought that if you were planning to run a marathon that you would have made it more known to folks. =)