Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I received a comforting phone call last night. It was from Todd, the other male on my Kolkata team. We talked for about an hour, and it was really good getting to know him a bit. For me, one of the scariest aspects about this trip is that I'm going into it essentially not knowing anyone. Sure I've had a little contact, but not much. Just that single phone conversation has helped me feel a bit more connected with my soon to be team.

Let me also tell a story from LAUP that will illustrate a bit more why this scares me. About an hour before Greg picked me up for LAUP, I was sitting alone at Nate Leung's place, where I had spent the night before (Everyone who lived there was at Church). I started feeling very anxious about LAUP, wondered what I had gotten myself into, and wondered how I was going to handle it. I prayed and journaled, which helped some, but I was still anxious and even a bit scared. It was very comforting when Greg arrived. Suddenly it was a reality that one of my closest friends was going to be with me through the experience.

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