Wednesday, January 26, 2005

My Last Sunday at Church in Santa Barbara

I wanted to write about this closer to the fact, but I just never got around to it. I suppose it's better late than never. (And really, three days isn't all that late is it?)

Last Sunday, (January 23rd) was my last Sunday in Santa Barbara. One of the pastors had me come up and tell the congregation both a little bit about how I got involved in the Church, and also about my upcoming trip to Kolkata. After that they prayed for me. There were many things that struck me, but I'll mention one in particular. I wasn't the only one they were sending out. Two missionaries (a husband and wife) supported by our Church were there too. They have spent the last 28 years of their lives investing in the Pume Indians in Venezuela. When they first went there, they had to start by learning the language from scratch. It was really amazing and encouraging to be standing side by side with the two of them as the Church was sending all of us off in prayer.

After the second service, I went out to dinner with a bunch of people. It was really great just enjoying a meal with some of the people I won't get to see again for five months. Even after dinner was over and we were all leaving, a handful of us stood in the parking lot talking for another half-hour or so.

This story wouldn't be complete without bringing Sierra and Diego into it. Sierra has something at school that she's supposed to bring her dad (or an alternative) to. Unfortunately it's on a night when he can't make it. Apparently Sierra thought of me as a replacement, and got really excited about the idea. Even though I'm not going to go either, I was really touched to know that she wanted me to go with her. Later, while I was at dinner, Heidi called me up. While their family was praying before dinner, Diego audibly* thanked God for me! I think that was one of the best phone calls I've ever gotten. Those two kids have blessed me so much.

* Usually when Diego prays, he prays so quietly that you can't hear what he's saying. He will still get upset if you cut him off though.

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