Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Done with Word Made Flesh

This morning I had a phone debriefing with Sarah, the short term coordinator at Word Made Flesh. I felt pretty good about it. I came out of the trip with some frustrations about how certain things had been run. I wasn't really sure which things were because of my unreasonable expectations and desires, and what I had good reason to be frustrated about. I think Sarah gave me some much needed clarity in that. I certainly don't have a perfect understanding, but I feel better. Especially during our last 6-week stretch in Kolkata, a lot of that stuff just became really hazy to me. Even some of the questions that Sarah asked helped me think about things a little differently. That phone conversation is likely to be the last thing to wrap up my Servant Team, especially after Sarah told me that the proposal is optional. I guess they're trying to ramp up to them being required, but aren't there yet. She told me that they love to get them, but that I shouldn't force myself to write one just for the sake of doing it. Honestly if I had a topic that was both something I felt might me useful, and was something I had the experience to actually write about, I probably would write one. Unfortunately, I doubt something like that will come about now that I'm back in the US.

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