Monday, June 20, 2005


Yesterday was my first Sunday back in America. I went to Church At Andrew's Lutheran Church, the Church I grew up in. It was pretty good to be back. I received a lot of warm welcomes. Tomorrow night (Tuesday) I'll be back there giving a brief presentation on my trip. It's at 7pm if you're interested in coming to see and hear a bit more about my trip.

After Church my family drove down to Corvallis to spend Father's Day with my grandparents. It was great to see them again. My grandfather printed off this blog and kept the entries in a binder for the time I was in India. I had no idea how much I had written, but it pretty well filled an entire 2-inch ring binder. Hopefully at some point I'll get around to rereading through all of it myself. A good chunk of my journaling in India was done in the form of this blog.

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