Friday, February 25, 2005

First Book

Our team will be reading and discussing many books while we are here. The first one will be Can You Drink the Cup. If I get around to it I'll post some reflections about it (No promises though). I just figured I'd let you all know in case you're interested in knowing what we're studying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My name is Srija Pidaparthy and I'm actually one of your dad's students from UP. I got the URL for your blog from Dr.V and I've been following your entries since you've gone to Calcutta. It's really wonderful that you guys are helping people like this. I have to say it's been quite interesting to read about everything. It actually kind of brings back how I felt when I went back to visit it after 7 years of living in the US. Anyway, I just thought I'd drop by and comment since I've been reading your entries for the last few days. Oh and I wanted to mention to try not to eat out too much, especially at smaller food stores. Restaurants are pretty safe...but buying sodas or snacks at smaller vendors might not always end up being very good. Buy sodas and water from bigger supermarket type of stores. The smaller vendors are less clean...and you might end up catching infections or something. It happened to me...and it wasn't pleasant.
