Sunday, February 27, 2005

Wonderful People

There are still many aspects of Kolkata that are hard and I don't want to deal with. Learning to love this City is no easy task. I have, however, found that Kolkata has some of the nicest people I've ever met. It seems like there are always people around that are interested in who I am, where I came from, and why I'm here. It isn't in a suspicious of me sort of way either. They seem very genuinely interested in me. Many times struggling to communicate with a non-English speaking merchant another man will overhear and stop to help translate. People have helped me to find things or catch the right buses. Heck, I wouldn't have even found this internet cafe without the help of a man walking by that started up a conversation with me. Sure there are some bad apples, but as a whole, I'm really beginning to love the Indian people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings! I just got your blog address today -- and am glad to read about your adventures... Reminds me of some of the experiences I had in in Mexico & Central American when I was your age. You have been in my thoughts and prayers since St. Andrew blessed your journey and I look forward to reading your blog throughout your trip.
Jennifer Trom