Wednesday, February 09, 2005

One Week

In one week I will be leaving America for four months. I have one significant change regarding the trip. Our team will only be in Kolkata for three of the four months. We will take a sub-trip to Sri Lanka for one month. While there, our team will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity helping to rebuild from the destruction of the Tsunami.

For the next week, I am going to try to post a prayer request every day. Not only do I desperately need the prayer, it will also help me gather my thoughts before writing my pre-trip update letter.

I’ll start things off now. Please pray that I will be emotionally and spiritually present while overseas. I will be in the midst of some of the worst pain and suffering anywhere in the world, and I don’t want to close myself off to it. I need God to help me feel and understand their suffering. Out of that, I want God to grow a genuine, undying love for the forgotten and rejected people of this world.


TPB said...

Blessings as you prepare for Kolkata! I'm sure it will be an amazing trip. I'll be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

How amazing to read that your trip will include working for Habitat for Humanity! Your time in Calcutta will be taking in, learning to love and care for the people you meet; then the time in Sri Lanka will be a time of really hard work, giving back and giving of yourself to others. It seems a complete circle. The HFH board here is considering how to support the tsunami relief efforts through HFH International...who knows but what some of the $$$ we send will be for supplies you'll use!
Ron Davis is working on our HFH website here now, so you both are involved with us. Praise God!
Our home group will continue to pray for you during your trip and for a safe return.
Blessings - Bill & Joyce