Thursday, February 24, 2005

Kalighat Revisited

Sorry about the no post yesterday. Believe me, whenever I fail to post it will not be because I lack things to share, it will only be because I lacked a trip to an internet cafe. I really love all of your comments, emails, and just knowing that you enjoy reading my blog. I feel so loved by all of you!

Our team has been to Kalighat three times now. Today is our day off, and tomorrow we will start going to the other homes. During our second day there (Tuesday), I was pretty removed emotionally. I held some hands, tried to talk with some of the patients that knew bits of English, and probably did a few other random things. My heart just wasn't there though. I was absolutely emotionally exhausted.

Yesterday (Wednesday) was better. We went for the shorter afternoon shift this time. Our team had taken the morning off, so I had taken some much needed time with God and was emotionally refreshed going into the afternoon. I spent time holding hands, giving massages, and talking with a few patients. Around dinner time I spoon fed a man who lacked the strength to feed himself. Toward the end of the day, I saw one of the men who spoke enough English to converse with. Rather than laying in bed, someone had put him in a wheel chair and moved him to the entrance of the building. I could see such joy in his eyes as he looked out onto the frantic life of the street. I found out that he has been in the home for about a year now (most are there for three months or less) and his condition has actually improved during his time there. Through him, I saw hope and joy in the midst of the physical suffering around me. It was a gift from God to remove my blindness, even if only a little bit, so that I could experience this man's joy.

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