Thursday, March 24, 2005

Whimsical Weather

Yesterday morning and afternoon it was sunny... up until about 4pm when it started drizzling a bit. By 5pm I started wondering if monsoon season was coming early this year. There were a few breaks in it, but the rain kept coming through a lot of the night and most of this morning. Around 1pm today it died back down to a drizzle, then stopped altogether. By 3pm the sun was out and Kolkata has started to dry up.

I'm no stranger to rain, or even minor flooding as the result of rain, but in Kolkata, standing water is just disgusting. There is so much junk and nastiness around that walking around outside feels like wading through an inch or two of sewage. I was wearing my sandals last night, and now the cushy layer on top of them feels like walking on a nasty wet sponge. I don't dare take my shoes out in this, and I don't have any boots. I think I'm going to pick up a cheap pair of sandals on my way home and designate them as my new sandles to use when wading. I'm just hoping my good sandals won't be too nasty when they dry out.

On a related note: Mom, thank you for making me bring that portable emergency poncho. It draws a lot of looks, but it is very functional.

1 comment:

jonathan said...

Ewwwwww - on my last night in Mumbai, I wandered the wrong direction in a monsoon and my leg dropped about a foot into pure nastiness. Standing in a red light district at 10PM in the middle of a monsoon with my shoes and socks off, trying to wash the nastiness off my legs with the runoff from the storefront while the locals laughed at me from under the eves, was when I felt most Indian. :)