Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Worn Out

This morning at Nabo Jibon was really hard on me simply because I was really worn out. I knew it as soon as I got there, but just went at it for a while. Eventually I just hit a wall. I went up to their dining room and laid down on a wooden bench. It helped a little, but I still didn't feel great. I'm wondering if the dirt of this city is starting to catch up to me. I'm finding that while riding the buses in heavy traffic (traffic is always heavy) I often start to feel a little nauseous because of all of the fumes. Walking around the city when there are piles of garbage just sitting around doesn't help either. Tomorrow (Thursday) is a day off for us, so hopefully the extra rest will help me to start feeling better. Please be praying for my health and the health of the rest of the team. It is hard enough being in Kolkata when I'm feeling 100%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just make sure to remember your post about slowing down.

"During our orientation with the Missionaries of Charity, they told us that we should take days off whenever we need the extra rest."