Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Celebration Day at Nabo Jibon

Today was a special day for the brothers at Nabo Jibon. There were three new brothers taking their first vows. Before they can take their vows, they go through two years of training as novices. Catholic brothers and sisters from all over this part of India were in attendance of the ceremony. Todd and I made it too, which was a little hard since it was part of a 6:30am Mass. Usually Todd and I aim to catch a 7am subway train to start our commute, so this was a lot earlier. It was also complicated by a subway that doesn't run that early, and buses that don't run anywhere close to as often. Somehow, beyond reason, Todd and I still made it there in time for Mass in spite of leaving late.

After Mass breakfast was served. The brothers had asked Todd to perform a song during that time, and Todd had talked me into singing one with him. Todd and I gave them "Lord, Reign in Me," followed by Todd performing two more on his own that I didn't know. After the mini-concert, Todd and I grabbed breakfast and joined some of the brothers from Nabo Jibon. During this time we also got to meet the current area brother superior (No, I don't really know what he does or how big "this area" is. His title just sounds impressive).

At 9:15am they had another ceremony to initiate the new novices (brothers in training). Then there was a third ceremony to transfer some position of leadership from one brother to another. Between all of these ceremonies, I only got to spend a little time with the boys this morning. I'm not really complaining though. It was really great to be able to celebrate all of these things with the brothers. They have really done a great job of welcoming Todd and I into their community during our months here in Kolkata. I'm going to miss them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nabo Jibon is a good place